Andrew Ledoux — Patterns in Chaos (2 min. 2001) Directed, shot, and edited by Lester Alfonso to showcase his friend’s paintings.
Hey Andrew, thinking about you! I’m gonna post a video of your paintings on my website today. I’ve been posting one video a day now for fifty straight days now. It turns out, I have a lot of unpublished (mostly unseen) videos in my archive. I’ve been hoarding these treasures for so long. I guess, I just didn’t know how I could put them “out there” until now.
I’m just realizing now that part of the motivation I had to keep these “paintings” in my proverbial basement is the notion I’ll be able to get some money out of it if the premiere status was intact. If it had been previously available on YouTube or the like, it’s less likely that a film will be considered for a festival or broadcast. You can only see a film for the first time once. The power of this art form is increased in a spoiler-free world.
I no longer want to keep these videos under wraps. Honestly, I don’t really know why I decided to bury this file unseen for almost twenty years. I’m not sure if even you’ve seen this version. How are you doing? Winter keeps going, doesn’t it?
More words and ideas than leaves
on woodland trees
in deepest hidden valleys
where crowns descend
above the stoney narrative beneath
chiseled cathedral shards page upon page
a momentary treasure for the eye
to be hold
an essence inately beautiful
colour as fragile as light
eye in communion
— Andrew Ledoux
I found that poem you wrote in March 2018. It seems apropos to publish it here now. I’m leaving it all here for anyone to find. So much time has passed on some of these works that the idea of hoarding them seems wrong. These paintings have to see the light of day! Your actual paintings need to see the light of day; come what may. Today is the day!
More soon! — LA
P.S. If you’re liking these daily posts, perhaps you can consider becoming a monthly donor for a year or making a one-time contribution. It would seriously help a lot. Your money goes directly into supporting an artist committed to continually become the best version of himself. Thank you so much! Much love, LA