How to Use Classroom Films (2 min. 2007) Directed and edited by Lester Alfonso for a filmmaking challenge to provide images to a randomly picked soundtrack.
Day 35 of 360 videos from my archive. Today’s film is a result of a filmmaking challenge. In 2007, the organizers of the Score + Shoot event in Peterborough, Ontario asked filmmakers to put images to a score that was randomly chosen for them. No alteration to the sound was allowed.
I was lucky enough to get Mike Duguay and Rob McInnis’s Oh, That Jazz Music! with a sound that fits right into what I was experimenting with at the time.
Excerpts from over 70 classroom films now in the public domain are excerpted in this two-minute piece. Previously available on YouTube, I’m releasing a remastered version here for the first time.
Enjoy! — LA

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